Alone with Krsna Retreat
with His Grace Bhurijana Dasa
Alone with Krsna togeother with Krsna's devotees in the shelter of Giriraja Govardhana Date: Nov 1 – 4, 2025 Registraion:Registrations will begin in September 2025:
About Contributions:
Please note that the contribution covers the study materials and administrative expenses connected with conducting the retreat. You can send the contribution by bank transfer or UPI (Indian Nationals) or pay by international debit or credit card at online payment link.
Please note that this payment is to be made once your participation is confirmed. If the payment is done prior to confirmation, it is done at your own risk and the VIHE is not liable to give a refund in case you are not admitted to the retreat.
Contact Information: VIHE c/o ISKCON Goshala,
Parikrama Marg,
Raman Reti, Vrindavan,
Mathura Dist., 281121,
U.P., India
Phone: +91 99992 15896